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Let Us

Madeline Peck

Let us shed our skins and dance

with our jittery bones and pumping organs

beneath the light of God’s false eye.

Let us braid each other’s hair

and kiss our thin lips together in prayer,

for I pray only to you, to you

and the water in your eyes.

Our skin is too thin; let us be

snakes. Let us wrap our bodies

like tide pools ‘round each other and

twist until there’s nothing left of us

but seashells and wet sand. Let us

be snakes and uncoil. Let us

be snakes and tempt each other

from heaven with the promise of

apple-flavored lips.

Your hands are no bigger than mine.

Our lips are the same painted red.

And I can see your heart caged behind your white

cracked bones holding out its hands for me.

Dance with me through this languid air. Let us

dance as the wind carries away our skin like

two ethereal projections searching for a

single fine word. Let us kiss and fold and

tumble. Let us unstitch and re-sew, let us

write each other with poetry. And let us

become, my love, let us become.

Taste my apple lips and I’ll kiss your snake-like skin.

Braid your long brown hair with mine.

Let us kiss like lovers and let us combine like lovers

beneath the light of God’s false eye.

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